Arbeitsmaterialien für "Surfin' California"

1. Erkundungsphase

1.1 Working with the CD

  1. Pick the "music" channel, go to "surf sound" and "The Beach Boys"; listen to the song "Surfin‘ USA" and copy the text of the song to your word processor; do the same with the text about the Beach Boys.
  2. Go to "The Beach Boys‘ life stories", click on "photo" and copy the photo to your word processor (same document as above).
  3. Format the document, save it to disk and print it.
  4. Mark the whole document and copy it to an HTML-editor; format and save the document; view the result with a browser.
  5. Pick the "nature" channel, click on "threats", "smog", then on "Calfornian Car Lovers" and " text"; now click on Silicon Valley in the text and follow the link. Watch the video "Problems in Computer Land".
  6. Now find your way back where you started from ("nature"). Use the "back" or the "channel" button in the top left hand corner.
  7. Click the "tools" button in the top right hand corner, go to "find" and type in "Terminator II". Double-click on "Terminator II" in the window below. Read the text on Schwarzenegger and highlight he word "audience". Click on "copy text", go to "tools" "dictionary" and paste the word into the dictionary. Read the explanation; listen to the pronunciation by clicking on the speaker symbol.

 1.2 Going online

  1. In the tools bar, click on "go online" (or start your browser and type At the Learning Station, click on "Inhalt", "Magazine" and "California". Follow the hightech-link to NASA and find out what’s new there. If there is anything of interest to you, download it and save it to disk. Remember: photos and graphics are not automatically downloaded.
  2. Have a look around Learning Station. Find out what services are offered to schools.


2. Methodenphase

2.1 Navigating the Internet

  1. You want to find information on earthquakes in California. Search for it on the Internet by
  • Using a search engine like (type in "earthquakes california")
  • Using a web catalogue like (go "Regional", "US States", "California", search for "earthquakes" there)
  • Discuss your findings. What difference is there a between a search engine and a catalogue? Which is better for what sort of research?

2.2 Saving the information you have found for further use

There are two ways of doing this 

  • Use the "bookmark" or "favorites" feature of your browser. Whenever you are at a site with useful information, click "bookmarks" "add"; be sure to give the new bookmark a descriptive name.  If you want to return to this site later, all you have to do is click on the appropriate bookmark. This only works if you're online (or if the site is still in the cache on your hard disk.

  • Save the information to disk. Click on "Edit" "Select All", then click on "File" "Save As", choose a descriptive name for the file and save it to your personal (or your group's) directory (or folder) on the disk. This only works with text; pictures are not saved this way. You can either save pictures separately by right-clicking on the picture and selecting "Save picture as" or save the complete page (i.e. text, graphics and photos) by clicking on "File" "Edit Page" (in Netscape Navigator), which opens the Composer, a HTML-editor. In Composer just save the page to disk. If you work with Internet Explorer, click on "Edit"  "Page"; this should bring up your HTML-editor. Save the page there.

Practice these two methods of saving information for further use. Be sure to create a personal or group directory first; always save your work to this directory!


3. Erarbeitungsphase (inhaltliche Arbeit in Arbeitsgruppen)

3.1 Planning for the first extended period of working in groups
you should plan for a time period of three weeks / 12 lessons

group members:



group topic (with special interests)





which questions will you ask (and answer)?







how will you work?

we’ll do everything together

¨ we’ll specialise on certain aspects / jobs

where will you get your information from?

¨ the multimedia-CD

¨ the internet

¨ papers, magazines, videos etc.

how will you present your results?

¨ as internet pages (html-format)

¨ as a presentation using something like Powerpoint

3.2 Finding, organizing and presenting your material











More to come soon. Stay tuned!
(forgive me my mistakes - this is all done in a bit of a hurry)              

Ulrich Bauer 11-98